Questions & Answers:
Bond 2020 Renovations at Highlands HS
What is the status of renovations at Highlands High School?
The Highlands High School renovation project is approximately 90% complete and is expected to wrap up in spring 2025.
What is included in the renovation?
Major renovations at Highlands High School include a new athletic addition with a new competition gym and secondary gym. Renovations also include new weight rooms, a mat room, a training room, coaches’ offices, seminar rooms, a new band pad, and a new bus loop. The project also includes a new central plant for improved heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC).
Additionally, the campus will receive security and technology upgrades, along with all SAISD schools.
When will construction be completed?
Renovations are expected to be completed in spring 2025. The last of the work includes demolition of the old gym.
When will we be able to use the newly renovated spaces?
The athletic addition, including the new gyms, is already in use.
How can I stay informed about the progress of the project?
In addition to future community meetings and periodic updates from your campus, you can follow progress:
- On the bond website. You can also use the Bond 2020 button at the bottom left of the Highlands High School homepage to link directly to your school’s project page.
- On Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn by following San Antonio ISD